The market expertise and resources to guide investors to appropriate and the most attractive investments.
Current market data and a thorough understanding of investment options are critical to the process of the sale or purchase of an asset. We effectively interprets this data and in-turn, provides this information to our clients in a simple and logical way empowering the investors to make based decisions.
Ycon Hospitality has a successful track record of providing comprehensive investment and acquisition services.
Assets vary in age, size, location, architectural style, and tenant base.
YCon Consulting works alongside its capital partners to provide assistance on:
– Due Diligence exercise before investment Acquisition/disposition strategy development;
– Post-acquisition/disposition transitional services;
– Tax structuring, reporting and compliance Accounting and reporting for all assets and portfolios;
– Development of financing strategies and structures;
– Maintaining bank relationships and conti- nuously assessing refinancing strategies.
Ycon Hospitality has the expertise, relationships and resources to guide investors down the path to successful opportunities and high return investment transactions.
Paulo Martins